
Things Every Blogger Should Know

A blogger must know how should be his/her blog. Most of the searches take place in search engine finally goes to a blog. For those who own a blog/ website I have some instructions to make their blog better and to increase the earning. I have seen many blogs and websites who do their job with perfection but the user interface is too ugly, the result would be nothing but once visited visitor may not visit again. A Blogger Must Know many things like The Behavior of Visitors, SEO, compatible Blog Theme, Traffic Source, Backlink, Google and Alexa Page rank etc.

Blog Loading Speed

You have to consider our all visitors, i.e. there are many internet users in rural area they only have a poor internet connection. And some other mobile phone to surf their needs, they might be using 2G network which is very slow to load a heavy file. The long delay to load your blog may raise a tendency to close your blog and open another fast loading one. If your blog is loading in high speed the visitor may search for more articles on your blog.

How to decrease blog or website Loading Time

For increasing your blog loading time we have to do everything with a thought of the blog loading speed in your mind, ever you write an Article on your blog, adding social like boxes, uploading Header image, placing popular posts etc.

Adding images to an Article, Popular Posts, Blog Header and Ads etc.

Whenever you write an article you have to use corresponding images in it. Also someone uses Header image instead of Text. And the one thing you have to care while you are adding an image consider its file size. You can decrease the into its low lever using Photoshop (Open image in Photoshop > Save as > save Jpeg > give quality from 0 to 12, middle quality may be good to see the image well along with the decreasing KB.)

Also, We use images in Popular post, or Related Post Widgets. It is better not to display thumbnails with your Gadgets of Famous and related articles. It may increase the beauty and the speed the blog.

Another thing is to care that if you are an ad publisher of any network like Google AdSense, Chittika etc.. They provide both text and image ads to display. Text ads gives more speed to your blog (Optional).

Most of the bloggers places Social widgets like Facebook, Google plus etc. And those widgets allows to display photos of the liked or followed people so enable only one row of photos or don't display.

Theme of the Blog

There are many blogs who run in a very incompatible theme. It is better to go with a white background and black letter. And as separations , lines and light colored boxes can be used. The right use of theme will help to hold your visitor more time on the page. For some colors our eyes feels difficulty to look more time and the contrast between the colors will not make a clear cut.



If the fonts you used in your webpage is not good the color combination will not result you a standard and good looking. There are some fonts which are used commonly in webpage. Here are some of them.
Oregon LDO
Century Gothic
Lucida Grande
There are some more fonts used for webdesign. Verdana is mostly used font most of the designers like it.

Traffic & Behavior of Visitors

Seek what are your blog visitors searching for, and concentrate on it. Readers of a blog can be classified into two, i.e. Many of the visitors want to get tricks and cheating tips, they don't need quality content. For example I have written an Article that Switch off a mobile phone sending an sms  This post getting more views rather than standard contents like Setting Custom Robot Tags on Blogger.

So check your visitors behavior going Google Analytics. And write your most articles on what your visitors need.


Backlinks are links which links back to your blog or a website. Backlinks makes your blog performance and traffic better. If you have more backlinks from quality websites you blog will get ranked on Google and Alexa. Quality websites mean that the websites having higher Page Rank on Google. If your blog gained a Page Rank your site traffic will be automatically increased.

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